Solving LeetCode Medium 452. Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons (JavaScript)Let’s burst some bubbles bay-beees!Sep 12, 20211Sep 12, 20211
Solving Leetcode 36. Valid SudokuThis past week I stepped into my friend Riley’s shoes to facilitate algo-club, Flatiron School’s unofficial standing meeting of graduates…Sep 6, 2021Sep 6, 2021
Solving LeetCode 91. Decode Ways using JavaScriptTomorrow I take the shared reigns facilitating Flatiron School’s #algo-club as one fearless leader jumps headlong into her first day at her…Aug 30, 2021Aug 30, 2021
Solving Leetcode 1732. Find the Highest AltitudeAs rains from Tropical Storm Henri give the city streets knee-deep with water, delays throughout the subway, and the ever-present flash…Aug 23, 2021Aug 23, 2021
Solving Leetcode 807. Max Increase to Keep City Skyline (medium)My algo club is rad. Comprised of mostly recent-ish Flatiron School Software Engineering graduates, we meet on zoom, Monday — Friday from…Aug 16, 2021Aug 16, 2021
Solving Code Wars 5kyu — Human Readable TimeToday we’re going to solve a 5kyu problem from Codewars, Human Readable Code. The problem states…Aug 9, 20211Aug 9, 20211
Leetcode 804. Unique Morse Code WordsI’ve been working hard on algorithms lately, so here let’s solve Leetcode’s medium problem #804. Unique Morse Code Words.Aug 2, 2021Aug 2, 2021